
Configuring Authentication with Kerberos in Kafka

One day R&D team asked by configuring authentication with kerberos to simulate our customer environment and QA be based on this to verify the incoming messages. As we known, Kerberos security for Kafka is optional feature, normal case we don't need to use it in Intranet network or zone.

What's Kerberos

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography. A free implementation of this protocol is available from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Kerberos is available in many commercial products as well. [ref]


Kerberos, Kafka and Zookeeper are installed on same host with using same domain. First time don't consider to setup in different hosts with different domain.
A Kerberos realm is the domain over which a Kerberos authentication server has the authority to authenticate a user, host or service.
All hosts must be reachable using hostnames; It is a Kerberos requirement that all your hosts can be resolved with their FQDNs.


Step 1: Prepare keytab for kafka/client/zookeeper

Using two commands to create principal and export the keytab as file.

sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey {principal}/{hostname}@{REALM}'
sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /tmp/keytabs/{keytabname}.keytab kafka/{hostname}@{REALM}"


sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO'
sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /tmp/keytabs/kafka.keytab kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO"


sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey zookeeper/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO'
sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /tmp/keytabs/zookeeper.keytab zookeeper/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO"

kafka client

sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q 'addprinc -randkey kafka_client/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO'
sudo /usr/sbin/kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k /tmp/keytabs/kafka_client.keytab kafka_client/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO"

Step 2: Kafka and Zookeeper Operation First

Configure server.properties for kafka
vim server.properties

#Binding SASL_PLAINTEXT protocol in 9094 port

## inner comuncation with SASL_PLAINTEXT

Prepare JDK's Kerberos Requirements (/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/krb5.conf)

default_realm = SUPER_HERO
forwardable = true
kdc_timeout = 3000
ns_lookup_kdc = false
dns_lookup_realm = false
  kdc = mydomain.com
  admin_server = mydomain.com
.mydomain.com = SUPER_HERO
mydomain.com = SUPER_HERO

Step 2.1: Startup Zookeeper

Prepare Zookeeper's Jaas file (/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/zookeeper_jaas.conf)

Server {
  com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required 
  keyTab="/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/zookeeper.keytab" <--your zookeper keytab path

Export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS for zookeeper process. MUST ENABLE sun.security.krb5.debug MODE, otherwise it's super hard to find the cause.

export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/krb5.conf -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/zookeeper_jaas.conf  -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true"

start zookeeper process

zookeeper-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties

Step 2.2: Startup Kafka

Prepare Kafka's Jaas file (/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/kafka_server_jaas.conf)

KafkaServer {
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

Client {
  com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required

Export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS for zookeeper process. MUST ENABLE sun.security.krb5.debug MODE, otherwise it's super hard to find the cause.

export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Djava.security.krb5.conf=/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/krb5.conf -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/kafka_server_jaas.conf -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true"

start kafka process

kafka-server-start /usr/local/etc/kafka/server.properties


Added key: 16version: 2
Added key: 23version: 2
Added key: 18version: 2
Using builtin default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes
default etypes for default_tkt_enctypes: 18 17 16 23.
>>> EType: sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.Aes256CtsHmacSha1EType
>>> KrbAsReq creating message
>>> KrbKdcReq send: kdc=mydomain.com UDP:88, timeout=3000, number of retries =3, #bytes=281
>>> KDCCommunication: kdc=mydomain.com UDP:88, timeout=3000,Attempt =1, #bytes=281
>>> KrbKdcReq send: #bytes read=815
>>> KdcAccessibility: remove mydomain.com
Looking for keys for: kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO
Found unsupported keytype (1) for kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO
Added key: 16version: 2
Added key: 23version: 2
Added key: 18version: 2
>>> EType: sun.security.krb5.internal.crypto.Aes256CtsHmacSha1EType
>>> KrbAsRep cons in KrbAsReq.getReply kafka/mydomain.com
principal is kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO
Will use keytab
Commit Succeeded

[2019-12-21 12:13:43,633] INFO Successfully logged in. (org.apache.kafka.common.security.authenticator.AbstractLogin)
[2019-12-21 12:13:43,634] INFO [Principal=kafka/mydomain.com@SUPER_HERO]: TGT refresh thread started. (org.apache.kafka.common.security.kerberos.KerberosLogin)

Step 2.3: Kafka Client

Prepare client.properties which tell client to use SASL_PLAINTEXT.


Prepare Client's Jaas file (/Users/chliu/temp/qa_kafka/jaas.conf)

KafkaClient {
    com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required
export KAFKA_OPTS="-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/Users/chliu/temp/qa_kafka/jaas.conf -Djava.security.krb5.conf=/usr/local/etc/kafka/security/krb5.conf -Dsun.security.krb5.debug=true"

Sending message into test topic.

kafka-console-producer  --broker-list mydomain.com:9094 --topic test --producer.config client.properties


Change log level at runtime for logback

For Ops issues cares a lot about logging to store in elasticsearch, which is impacted to the performance. In past We tried to reduce logging as default and change to debug level, but sometimes devs also need to go to troubleshooting incidents in production. Here is change log level way which doesn't need to rebuild project based on logback jmx feature.

Enable JMX in logback configuration

jmxConfigurator need to be added in logback.

  <jmxConfigurator />
  <appender name="console" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
    <layout class="ch.qos.logback.classic.PatternLayout">
      <Pattern>%date [%thread] %-5level %logger{25} - %msg%n</Pattern>

  <root level="debug">
    <appender-ref ref="console" />

The logback with jmx can be verified by jconsole.

Use jmxterm command line based interactive to access

Welcome to JMX terminal. Type "help" for available commands.
$>open 2767  <--process id
#Connection to 2767 is opened
#following domains are available
$>domain ch.qos.logback.classic
#domain is set to ch.qos.logback.classic
$>bean ch.qos.logback.classic:Name=default,Type=ch.qos.logback.classic.jmx.JMXConfigurator
#bean is set to ch.qos.logback.classic:Name=default,Type=ch.qos.logback.classic.jmx.JMXConfigurator
$>run setLoggerLevel com.abc.cde.consumer.MessageRequestConsumer DEBUG  
#calling operation setLoggerLevel of mbean ch.qos.logback.classic:Name=default,Type=ch.qos.logback.classic.jmx.JMXConfigurator with params [com.abc.cde.consumer.MessageRequestConsumer, DEBUG]
#operation returns:

jmxterm has been supported silent mode, so we can easily implement a shell script for some special handling as below example.

if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then
    wget https://github.com/jiaqi/jmxterm/releases/download/v1.0.0/jmxterm-1.0.0-uber.jar
processId=`jps -lvm | grep Bootstrap | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "Java App processId; $processId ; fm logging level to ;$1"
cat <<EOF > jmxcommands
open $processId
bean ch.qos.logback.classic:Name=default,Type=ch.qos.logback.classic.jmx.JMXConfigurator
run setLoggerLevel com.abc.cdef.Parser $1
java -jar "$file" -n < jmxcommands



[Ref] Data Classes Considered Harmful

In reality, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch, when you used data class as Project Lombok.

Data Classes Considered Harmful


Linux ate ram as disk cache

One day QA asked why memory was really low in QA linux server. Really not sure, this question is interesting for me, as known, our java applications always configured memory limitation, shouldn't happen low memory issue.

From result of "free -m" command executed and checked, If you just naively look at "used" and "free", you'll think your ram is 98/99% full.

Googling that situation, linuxatemyram, what's going on?
Linux is borrowing unused memory for disk caching. This makes it looks like you are low on memory, but everything is fine. Try to use unused memory as disk caching makes the system much faster and more responsive.

If you deeply read "linux ate ram", don't panic, your ram is fine. ^^!


httpstat - curl statisticsmade simple

Sometimes need to measure RESTful Api to clarify network and server processing capabilities in customer side. httpstat tool that visualizes curl statistics in a way of beauty and clarity.

macOS install

brew install httpstat

curl statistics

httpstat www.google.com

httpstat site



Disable encoding URL Using RestTemplate in Spring

The RestTemplate is smart to convert the URL with specific characters to URL encoded. But sometimes, we need to disable URL encoding in order to some specific characters are available on server side as its business requirement.
It's a legacy web service and bad design, but customer don't want to change for some reasons.

Disable Encoding URL

Set encoding encoding mode when initialing rest template.

DefaultUriBuilderFactory defaultUriBuilderFactory = new DefaultUriBuilderFactory();
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

Using other encoding mode to satisfy different integration strategies.



3 Type of Timeouts in Http client

There are three type of timeouts in Http Client which could be considered to be adjusted when encountering unreliable destination endpoint.

  1. ConnectionTimeout
    Set the timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection from the connection manager.
  2. ConnectionRequestTimeout
    Determines the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established. A timeout value of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout.
  3. SocketTimeout
    Determines the socket timeout (SO_TIMEOUT) in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets).


Import a SSL certificate into a JVM

Sometimes, it's inevitable that HTTPs is only provided, or you are unable to change third part code to ignore certificate verification.

How to import a certificate into a JVM? Here are some steps.

Step1. Fetch the certificate

openssl s_client -connect youtube.com:443 < /dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > youtube.crt

Step2. Import the certificate

keytool -import -alias youtube.com -keystore /Users/chliu/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file youtube.crt
Enter keystore password:<changeit>
Owner: CN=*.google.com, O=Google LLC, L=Mountain View, ST=California, C=US
Issuer: CN=Google Internet Authority G3, O=Google Trust Services, C=US
Serial number: 3b6e50a1d2080062
Valid from: Tue Jan 29 22:58:00 CST 2019 until: Tue Apr 23 22:58:00 CST 2019
Certificate fingerprints:
     MD5:  19:0D:FC:58:69:85:29:59:C4:42:71:05:21:EA:B4:2E
     SHA1: E4:A8:7B:F5:3E:9A:17:4A:E2:9F:26:8F:81:23:78:E3:15:08:85:99
     SHA256: F7:EE:A9:17:44:FD:5D:E8:09:73:4D:97:85:E4:7E:AE:FA:73:6D:6F:31:36:55:0B:07:1B:15:68:D8:81:A3:C8
Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA
Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityInfoAccess [
   accessMethod: caIssuers
   accessLocation: URIName: http://pki.goog/gsr2/GTSGIAG3.crt
   accessMethod: ocsp
   accessLocation: URIName: http://ocsp.pki.goog/GTSGIAG3

#2: ObjectId: Criticality=false
AuthorityKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 77 C2 B8 50 9A 67 76 76   B1 2D C2 86 D0 83 A0 7E  w..P.gvv.-......
0010: A6 7E BA 4B                                        ...K

#3: ObjectId: Criticality=true
  PathLen: undefined

#4: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CRLDistributionPoints [
     [URIName: http://crl.pki.goog/GTSGIAG3.crl]

#5: ObjectId: Criticality=false
CertificatePolicies [
  [CertificatePolicyId: []
[]  ]
  [CertificatePolicyId: []
[]  ]

#6: ObjectId: Criticality=false
ExtendedKeyUsages [

#7: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectAlternativeName [
  DNSName: *.google.com
  DNSName: *.android.com
  DNSName: *.appengine.google.com
  DNSName: *.cloud.google.com
  DNSName: *.g.co
  DNSName: *.gcp.gvt2.com
  DNSName: *.ggpht.cn
  DNSName: *.google-analytics.com
  DNSName: *.google.ca
  DNSName: *.google.cl
  DNSName: *.google.co.in
  DNSName: *.google.co.jp
  DNSName: *.google.co.uk
  DNSName: *.google.com.ar
  DNSName: *.google.com.au
  DNSName: *.google.com.br
  DNSName: *.google.com.co
  DNSName: *.google.com.mx
  DNSName: *.google.com.tr
  DNSName: *.google.com.vn
  DNSName: *.google.de
  DNSName: *.google.es
  DNSName: *.google.fr
  DNSName: *.google.hu
  DNSName: *.google.it
  DNSName: *.google.nl
  DNSName: *.google.pl
  DNSName: *.google.pt
  DNSName: *.googleadapis.com
  DNSName: *.googleapis.cn
  DNSName: *.googlecommerce.com
  DNSName: *.googlevideo.com
  DNSName: *.gstatic.cn
  DNSName: *.gstatic.com
  DNSName: *.gstaticcnapps.cn
  DNSName: *.gvt1.com
  DNSName: *.gvt2.com
  DNSName: *.metric.gstatic.com
  DNSName: *.urchin.com
  DNSName: *.url.google.com
  DNSName: *.youtube-nocookie.com
  DNSName: *.youtube.com
  DNSName: *.youtubeeducation.com
  DNSName: *.youtubekids.com
  DNSName: *.yt.be
  DNSName: *.ytimg.com
  DNSName: android.clients.google.com
  DNSName: android.com
  DNSName: developer.android.google.cn
  DNSName: developers.android.google.cn
  DNSName: g.co
  DNSName: ggpht.cn
  DNSName: goo.gl
  DNSName: google-analytics.com
  DNSName: google.com
  DNSName: googlecommerce.com
  DNSName: source.android.google.cn
  DNSName: urchin.com
  DNSName: www.goo.gl
  DNSName: youtu.be
  DNSName: youtube.com
  DNSName: youtubeeducation.com
  DNSName: youtubekids.com
  DNSName: yt.be

#8: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: BB F4 15 80 EC F0 4E F6   58 5A B1 49 4C 82 12 48  ......N.XZ.IL..H
0010: F9 FB 7E 3B                                        ...;

Step3. Check certificate in keystore

keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts
keytool -list -v -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts | grep youtube

Step4. Specify trust store AND PASSWRD


If there are some issue that hostname in certificate didn't matched, the steps below can help to confirm the issue.

  • Check the Server’s FQDN and make sure this match with the URL configured on the Certificate.
  • Wildcard certificate cannot support subdomain. The subdomain also need to create a certificate. How to Fix SSL Common Name Mismatch Error


Ignore Certificate Verification Using RestTemplate

For some reasons, we don't want to verify certificate verification when data transfer has to happen over HTTPS.

How to disable verification using restTemplate in Spring?

  1. Custom trustStrategy that trusts all certs
  2. Implement hostname verification which trusts all host


Show Java Settings as Default

Java -XshowSettings can show possible category arguments in JVM env.

Shows settings and continues. Possible category arguments for this option include the following:

Shows all categories of settings. This is the default value.

Shows settings related to locale.

Shows settings related to system properties.

Shows the settings of the JVM.

java -XshowSettings:all -version

when executed above command, the usage information for running the Java launcher will also be displayed. It can make maintainer a bit less convenient to see those details.

VM settings:
    Max. Heap Size (Estimated): 3.56G
    Ergonomics Machine Class: server
    Using VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

Property settings:
    awt.toolkit = sun.lwawt.macosx.LWCToolkit
    file.encoding = UTF-8
    file.encoding.pkg = sun.io
    file.separator = /
    ftp.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16
    gopherProxySet = false
    http.nonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16
    java.awt.graphicsenv = sun.awt.CGraphicsEnvironment
    java.awt.printerjob = sun.lwawt.macosx.CPrinterJob
    java.class.path = .
    java.class.version = 52.0
    java.endorsed.dirs = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/endorsed
    java.ext.dirs = /Users/chliu/Library/Java/Extensions
    java.home = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/jre
    java.io.tmpdir = /var/folders/zd/5kbv_wbd6cqbpfrf8w95sfnr0000gn/T/
    java.library.path = /Users/chliu/Library/Java/Extensions
    java.runtime.name = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
    java.runtime.version = 1.8.0_111-b14
    java.specification.name = Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.specification.version = 1.8
    java.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vendor.url = http://java.oracle.com/
    java.vendor.url.bug = http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/
    java.version = 1.8.0_111
    java.vm.info = mixed mode
    java.vm.name = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
    java.vm.specification.name = Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vm.specification.version = 1.8
    java.vm.vendor = Oracle Corporation
    java.vm.version = 25.111-b14
    line.separator = \n
    os.arch = x86_64
    os.name = Mac OS X
    os.version = 10.14.2
    path.separator = :
    socksNonProxyHosts = local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16
    sun.arch.data.model = 64
    sun.boot.class.path = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/resources.jar
    sun.boot.library.path = /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib
    sun.cpu.endian = little
    sun.cpu.isalist =
    sun.io.unicode.encoding = UnicodeBig
    sun.java.launcher = SUN_STANDARD
    sun.jnu.encoding = UTF-8
    sun.management.compiler = HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
    sun.os.patch.level = unknown
    user.country = US
    user.country.format = TW
    user.dir = /Users/chliu/temp/aa/WEB-INF/lib
    user.home = /Users/chliu
    user.language = en
    user.name = chliu
    user.timezone =

Locale settings:
    default locale = English
    default display locale = English (United States)
    default format locale = English (Taiwan)
    available locales = , ar, ar_AE, ar_BH, ar_DZ, ar_EG, ar_IQ, ar_JO,
        ar_KW, ar_LB, ar_LY, ar_MA, ar_OM, ar_QA, ar_SA, ar_SD,
        ar_SY, ar_TN, ar_YE, be, be_BY, bg, bg_BG, ca,
        ca_ES, cs, cs_CZ, da, da_DK, de, de_AT, de_CH,
        de_DE, de_GR, de_LU, el, el_CY, el_GR, en, en_AU,
        en_CA, en_GB, en_IE, en_IN, en_MT, en_NZ, en_PH, en_SG,
        en_US, en_ZA, es, es_AR, es_BO, es_CL, es_CO, es_CR,
        es_CU, es_DO, es_EC, es_ES, es_GT, es_HN, es_MX, es_NI,
        es_PA, es_PE, es_PR, es_PY, es_SV, es_US, es_UY, es_VE,
        et, et_EE, fi, fi_FI, fr, fr_BE, fr_CA, fr_CH,
        fr_FR, fr_LU, ga, ga_IE, hi, hi_IN, hr, hr_HR,
        hu, hu_HU, in, in_ID, is, is_IS, it, it_CH,
        it_IT, iw, iw_IL, ja, ja_JP, ja_JP_JP_#u-ca-japanese, ko, ko_KR,
        lt, lt_LT, lv, lv_LV, mk, mk_MK, ms, ms_MY,
        mt, mt_MT, nl, nl_BE, nl_NL, no, no_NO, no_NO_NY,
        pl, pl_PL, pt, pt_BR, pt_PT, ro, ro_RO, ru,
        ru_RU, sk, sk_SK, sl, sl_SI, sq, sq_AL, sr,
        sr_BA, sr_BA_#Latn, sr_CS, sr_ME, sr_ME_#Latn, sr_RS, sr_RS_#Latn, sr__#Latn,
        sv, sv_SE, th, th_TH, th_TH_TH_#u-nu-thai, tr, tr_TR, uk,
        uk_UA, vi, vi_VN, zh, zh_CN, zh_HK, zh_SG, zh_TW

java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)


[Java8] Method References

Method references are the special form of Lambda expression. Sometimes, however, a lambda expression does nothing but call an existing method. In those cases, this way is often clearer to refer to existing method by name. They are more compact and easy-to-ready to express something.

Basically, this is just shorthand syntax for a Lambda Expression but this version is more concise & readable.

Types of Method reference

There are four types of method reference.

Reference to a static method

   public void testReferenceStaticMethod()
      Function<String, String> upperFunc = StringUtils::toUpperCase;
      Assert.assertEquals("HI JAVA", upperFunc.apply("hi Java"));

Reference to an instance method of a particular object

   public void testInstanceMethod()
      String text = "hi java";
      Supplier<Integer> getLength = text::length;
      Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(7), getLength.get());

Reference to an instance method of a particular type

   public void testInstanceMethodByType()
      Function<String, String> upperFunc = String::toLowerCase;
      Assert.assertEquals("hi java", upperFunc.apply("hi Java"));

Reference to a constructor

    public void testCallConstructor()
      Function<Integer, Integer> f = Integer::new;
      Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(99), f.apply(99));


In conclusion, if possible, we should try to use method references can make our code cleaner, more readable & promote code reusability, but they have some restrictions on some cases.


[Java8] the compiled bytecode of lambda

What's byecode of lambda be generated in Java is interesting for me. From below simple code, we can execute javap to get the compiled asm code which will be performed by JVM.

   private Function<String, Integer> f = s -> Integer.parseInt(s);
   public String test()
      Function<String, String> c = (a) -> a.toUpperCase();
      Supplier<Date> s = () -> new Date();
      return c.apply("java") + s.get() + f.apply("99");

javap -c -p LambdaBytecode.class

public class org.javasafari.lambda.LambdaBytecode {
  private java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer> f;

  public org.javasafari.lambda.LambdaBytecode();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: aload_0
       5: invokedynamic #2,  0              // InvokeDynamic #0:apply:()Ljava/util/function/Function;
      10: putfield      #3                  // Field f:Ljava/util/function/Function;
      13: return

  public java.lang.String test();
       0: invokedynamic #4,  0              // InvokeDynamic #1:apply:()Ljava/util/function/Function;
       5: astore_1
       6: invokedynamic #5,  0              // InvokeDynamic #2:get:()Ljava/util/function/Supplier;
      11: astore_2
      12: new           #6                  // class java/lang/StringBuilder
      15: dup
      16: invokespecial #7                  // Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
      19: aload_1
      20: ldc           #8                  // String java
      22: invokeinterface #9,  2            // InterfaceMethod java/util/function/Function.apply:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
      27: checkcast     #10                 // class java/lang/String
      30: invokevirtual #11                 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
      33: aload_2
      34: invokeinterface #12,  1           // InterfaceMethod java/util/function/Supplier.get:()Ljava/lang/Object;
      39: invokevirtual #13                 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
      42: aload_0
      43: getfield      #3                  // Field f:Ljava/util/function/Function;
      46: ldc           #14                 // String 99
      48: invokeinterface #9,  2            // InterfaceMethod java/util/function/Function.apply:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
      53: invokevirtual #13                 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
      56: invokevirtual #15                 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
      59: areturn

  private static java.util.Date lambda$test$2();
       0: new           #16                 // class java/util/Date
       3: dup
       4: invokespecial #17                 // Method java/util/Date."<init>":()V
       7: areturn

  private static java.lang.String lambda$test$1(java.lang.String);
       0: aload_0
       1: invokevirtual #18                 // Method java/lang/String.toUpperCase:()Ljava/lang/String;
       4: areturn

  private static java.lang.Integer lambda$new$0(java.lang.String);
       0: aload_0
       1: invokestatic  #19                 // Method java/lang/Integer.parseInt:(Ljava/lang/String;)I
       4: invokestatic  #20                 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
       7: areturn

Lambdas and invokedynamic

The translation of a lambda expression to be bytecode will be performed in below steps.

  • Generate an invokedynamic call site (lambda factory), which when invoked returns an instance of the Functional Interface defined.
  • Create a static method which included the lambda expression will be invoked through the invokedynamic instruction.

If you want to know how invokedynamic works, "Using Invoke Dynamic to Teach the JVM a New Language" is good for us.