
Retry Design

Sometimes, Network is inherently unreliable. Connections will occasionally time out or be dropped. For some reasons, we still want to try to establish a connection to a remote endpoint which went down.

There is straightforward answer which wrote down below code to resolve it.

          this.conn = connect();
      catch (Exception e)
         for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempts; i++)
            try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {};
            this.conn = connect();

But the solution is difficult to maintain and a lack of flexibility. If we are using java8, this may change below to more be useful.

public static <T> Object retry(Supplier<T> function, int retryCount) throws Exception
      while (0 < retryCount)
            return function.get();
         catch (Exception e)
            if ((retryCount--) == 0)
               throw e;
      return null;

Based on above two solutions, we still try to add extra code into connection logic and the unnecessary design. I think there's much better to use if you are using spring or AOP concept.

 @Retryable(maxAttempts = 3, backoff = @Backoff(delay = 500))
 public void establishConnection() {
    this.connection = newConnection();

Code is simply and easy to use.





tldr is a small tool to help you cannot always remember the arguments to many commands as like me. TL;DR originates for "Too long; Didn't Read" in Internal Slang, where it is used to indicate that a long text has been skipped...

We like simplified man pages focused on practical example like below:

➜  ~ tldr lsof
Local data is older than two weeks, use --update to update it.


Lists open files and the corresponding processes.
Note: Root privileges (or sudo) is required to list files opened by others.

- Find the processes that have a given file open:
    lsof path/to/file

- Find the process that opened a local internet port:
    lsof -i :port

- Only output the process ID (PID):
    lsof -t path/to/file

- List files opened by the given user:
    lsof -u username

- List files opened by the given command or process:
    lsof -c process_or_command_name

- List files opened by a specific process, given its PID:
    lsof -p PID

- List open files in a directory:
    lsof +D path/to/directory

keep it simple, stupid.

tldr in alfred

Really enjoy this plugin in alfred.


tldr github
