
[Java8] Function interface

Function interface has an abstract method "apply" which take argument of type T and must returns a result of type R.

Java definition

Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.

public interface Function<T, R> {
    R apply(T t);

Here are some test cases.
Applies this function to the given argument.

   public void testFuncApply()
      Function<Integer, Integer> sqrt = (num) -> num * num;
      Assertions.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(100), sqrt.apply(10));

A composed function that first applies the function to its input, and then applies this to the result.

   public void testFuncCompose()
      Function<Integer, Integer> sqrt = (num) -> num * num;
      Function<String, Integer> input = sqrt.compose(((s) -> Integer.parseInt(s)));
      Integer result = input.apply("9");
      Assertions.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(81), result);

A composed function that first applies this function to its input and the applies the function to the result.

   public void testFuncAndThen()
      Function<Integer, Integer> sqrt = (num) -> num * num;
      Function<Integer, Integer> times = sqrt.andThen((num) -> num * num);
      Function<String, Integer> input = times.compose(((s) -> Integer.parseInt(s)));

      Integer result = input.apply("10");

      Assertions.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10000), result);

A function that always returns its input argument.

   public void testIdentity()
      Map<String, String> result =
         Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c")
            .collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), str -> str));
      Assertions.assertTrue(result.size() == 3);
      Assertions.assertEquals(result.get("a"), "a");
      Assertions.assertEquals(result.get("b"), "b");
      Assertions.assertEquals(result.get("c"), "c");

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